Working years in college radio, i've been constantly bombarded with indie acts often varying by the slightest degree. and i'll admit even on my best days i more often than not passed these guys over to focus on something a bit less conventional; i won't deny their talent, but the sounds never caught me by surprise like i'd hoped. However, live they dropped their kraut soaked gem Spiders and it's been in my playlists since.. Although overall the sound is still a bit polished for my liking (especially into the chorus) i will happily wave the pop flag high for the pace of this piece alone.
Anywho, it's off my favorite release of their's A Ghost is Born from '04. and on a more crass note, Obama loves the shit out of these guys so fuck it and tune in right? it's better than some trife ass Toby Keith anthem.
Wilco - Spiders (Kidsmoke)
kid literally held these boys up for the last five songs from Neil, no break. no joke.